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Think of evaluation like a form of insurance

If a key stakeholder like a donor or a community member asked you to show that your work had impact, could you?  What would you show them?

I work with you to create evaluation plans that:

  1. Identify your organization’s important questions.
  2. Determine the most relevant indicators of change to measure.
  3. Link your strategic plan with your evaluation plan.  That way you are monitoring your strategic progress too.

To build a learning cycle, start with an evaluation

Evaluations aren’t meant to be scary.  They are meant to help your organization learn.

If you don’t investigate what worked and what didn’t, it’s likely you will grow problems instead of growing impact.

Don’t fall into an accountability trap

Claiming that your product or service will “increase the productivity of XYZ by 75%” sounds great… but how will you prove that (let alone measure it)?

It’s easy to get carried away with claims.  My job is to help you identify boundaries of control.

Let’s figure out what you have power over (i.e. the quality of your product or service), and what change you contribute to with your user group.  You have control over what you produce – but you can’t control what people do with it.

Let’s connect

Send me an email and let’s explore your organization’s evaluation potential.